So, there are two albums worth highlighting that don’t really fit into the ‘artist album’ category that we’d like to talk about before we reach the main event of our top fifty countdown tomorrow. There’s no order here, these are both just excellent albums.

The Fruit Tree Foundation

Idlewild’s Rod Jones has been behind this project to raise awareness of mental health issues for a few years now and while this was “technically” out last year, the physical release only came out in early 2011 so it definitely counts. And it’s all for a great cause, so we’re not going to pass up an opportunity to mention it. James Graham (Twilight Sad), Scottish Hutchison (Frightened Rabbit), Jill O’Sullivan (Sparrow and the Workshop), Emma Pollock and James Yorkston all featured prominently and with artwork by Aiden Moffat, what are you waiting for. Buy it HERE, tightwads.

Jonnie Common Presents Deskjob

A unique piece of work where island electro popster reworked a number of songs by other Scottish artists such as eagleowl, Panda Su, Meursault, Conquering Animal Sound and more. We suppose it’s a remix album of sorts but most tracks are merely subtle rearrangements of existing material with Common’s little flourishes a unifying theme. All told, it’s lovely stuff. Don’t believe us? The album is previewed below.